Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009

So those hints that they drop. Why can't they be more obvious? Ugh, why am I giving myself false hope anyway?
I have a, probably irrational, anger towards him. Mainly for what he's doing to her and also for his response to everything. I find it hard to believe that a person who had supposedly given his heart and soul could let a stupid mistake such as this end everything. And then some of the things he apparently said and asked of her afterward just bugs me in that it seems so disrespectful, inconsiderate, and and simply dick. To me, he seems to have become nothing more than just another guy. She doesn't think so, and since she obviously knows him much better then I'll take her word for it. I just really don't want him to hurt her anymore.
It is amazing how much drama planning a ski trip can cause. Sigh.

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