Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010

Wow, rough week. It almost seems as if nothing went right. I just wasn’t really emotionally invested into anything that was going on during the week, and that has to change. I can’t afford to lose focus like this. Everything seems to have gone by in such a blur. By the end of Thursday, I was hoping for a nice night to relax considering that the only work that I had was to study for a short linear algebra quiz. But no. My computer deices to crash. It literally took me all night to figure out that I wouldn’t really be able to recover it and I’d have to reinstall the operating system. Naturally, I don’t have the Windows 7 disk since it came from the school, so I had to go to the help center the next day. As most people know, I’m pretty anal about my computer and I don’t like people suing it. The idiot guy tried to convince me that they couldn’t just hand me the disk and let me do it myself, and that they had to do it for me. So I sat there for a good fifteen minutes arguing with him trying to pry the disk from him. Finally I get it, reinstall Windows 7 and all was fine. There are still some strange glitches that I can’t quite figure otu…But whatever. It’s operable. I’ll figure the rest out as I use it. So right after all of this computer fixing, I head to my linear algebra class. With all the computer mess, I barely had time to study. Naturally I mess up a question. I realize the moment I leave class and I was ready to kill myself. It was so stupid. Yeah so. Emotionally, I just wasn’t there. My luck wasn’t there either, judging by the computer. And I had to pay for that crap.

So I was hoping to relieve some stress last night after recovering a lot of the stuff on my computer. I decided to work out. It was great. I did two hours worth of P90X. Twenty five minutes of upper body stretches, an hour and a half of cardio, and finished it off with apripperx. The cardio was intense. I felt great. I felt much fresher.

I did most of the workout while watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony. It was pretty good. I loved the part where they set up the fake mountain and had people float down from the sky as if they were skiing down. That was cool. It was hilarious at the end when there was the technical malfunction.

Unfortunately, my attempts to try to forget this past week costed me a bunch of homework and studying time. I was supposed to study for multivariable last night and I didn’t get much of a chance to. Whenever I sat down to really do work, my mind would drift. Hopefully being home this weekend is just what I need to reset myself.


Chinese New Year is tomorrow. I can’t wait for dinner tonight. It should be great. I hope my parents prepared something awesome. I ended up deciding to go home since my cousin and his wife wanted to go. He rented a car. Free ride back home. I’ll take it. Not to mention, I get to isolate myself from civilization on Valentine’s Day. Blech. Not a fan.


  1. ah, rough week. good to know working out makes you feel better -- endorphins! i wish i could be like that. and yeah, the olympics were great. we should hang out soon and catch up.

    AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!! <333333 hahahaha

  2. Sometimes, life seems like it just downright sucks and is hopeless. But its so encouraging to know that around us all is the very support we need. Your friends, your family, are living through their lives with you. Nobody can live alone and nobody does live alone. All our lives are intertwined. Your sadness will affect those around you. True friends care about each other and live together. Your last blog post was all too true. But it never matters how we get in touch. It just matters that you do. Do not worry about what we are. Just know that we are here always. We are your friends and we are here to support you if you ever need it. Never be too reluctant to ask. Life can suck, but together, we can endure the worst and enjoy the best!

  3. Thanks, those were some inspiring thoughts. =)
